Category: Newsroom

A Passion for Objections

- By Chris Hondl – Nexstar Network Sales Coach

If you look up the word “passion” in the dictionary, one definition is listed as “suffering” or “willing to suffer for.” As a sales coach for Nexstar, one of my passions is teaching others how…
Hello! Outbound Calling Doesn’t Have to Be a Drag

- By Thomas Cowman, Customer Experience & Inside Sales Coach

Do you struggle to get your team on board with outbound calling initiatives? Can you almost hear the eyerolls when you ask your employees to start calling out? That’s a pretty normal reaction. But it…
Regional Meeting Round-Up!
In 2024, Nexstar Network is organizing an unprecedented 24 Regional Meetings taking place in member shops across the country. This year, we’re looking to reach as many of our members as possible and gather even…
A New Year Leads to a Newly Formatted Workshop

- by Lisa Kinney, Leadership & Culture Coach

Only two months in, and 2024 has been quite a year! Last month, I took in my first AHR Expo – the epic, high-energy tradeshow at Chicago’s McCormick Place included a never-ending schedule of informative…
Nexstar Readies for Canada’s CMPX Show!

- By Graig Kosidowski, Manager of New Member Sales

Coming off an amazing tradeshow experience at AHR Expo in Chicago last month, our Nexstar team is building momentum towards March! We’ve set our sights on the land known for its championship hockey teams, valuable…
New Strategic Partners Join Nexstar
In the new year, Nexstar welcomes several new Strategic Partners to our roster of leading industry vendors that are helping to fuel our members’ business growth and success. Welcome aboard! Financeit Financeit is a leading…