Category: Leadership

Retention Strategies That Work

- By Lisa Kinney, Nexstar Network Leadership & Culture Coach

Does your company have an employee retention problem? Then you have a company culture problem. Blunt but true: Companies that struggle to retain people are having internal culture issues – the core problem does not…
Profits Are Easier with Purpose
Let’s address a misconception. The misconception is this: That a business – in order to be highly profitable and therefore highly valuable – first and foremost has to be a numbers-focused enterprise led by profit-directed,…
The Importance of the Daily Huddle
The daily huddle is the single most important thing a company can do to win the day. Daily huddles are a time for you and your team to meet and set the tone for the…
The Ingredients of Business Culture
We hear a lot of words today that weren’t commonly used 25 years ago. They existed in our lexicon but weren’t household terms. Examples include “empower,” “synergy” and “collusion.” Another popular word commonly heard in…
3 Elements to Take Your Business to the Next Level
Are you costing your company millions of dollars or creating millions of dollars? If you’re costing your company money, it’s time to build an effective business plan. A plan will help you recalibrate, focus on what…
Great Leadership Depends on Your Inner Circle
Nothing can be accomplished without leadership. Every neighborhood group and church needs leaders. Every book club needs to have someone to initiate it and keep it going; every family vacation needs someone to be in…