Category: Insights Blog

The Ingredients of Business Culture
We hear a lot of words today that weren’t commonly used 25 years ago. They existed in our lexicon but weren’t household terms. Examples include “empower,” “synergy” and “collusion.” Another popular word commonly heard in…
3 Elements to Take Your Business to the Next Level
Are you costing your company millions of dollars or creating millions of dollars? If you’re costing your company money, it’s time to build an effective business plan. A plan will help you recalibrate, focus on what…
10 Laws of NexTech Academy | Law 1: Create a Thoughtful Training Plan Before Training Begins
Need more qualified technicians? They’re getting harder to find, just as your business needs them! Companies in the know have shifted their hiring practices toward finding candidates with the right attitude. Technical skills can be…
4 Questions to Answer on Your Website for a Dramatic Booking Increase
There are some basic necessities that any plumbing company should have prominently displayed on its website. When someone visits your plumbing company’s website because they have a problem that needs to be fixed, they’re looking for…
The First Step of Successful Recruiting
As a home service contractor, you’ve probably heard the mantra “always be recruiting” more times than you’d like to think about. But what does this mantra mean? Does it mean posting your ads to job boards…
Great Leadership Depends on Your Inner Circle
Nothing can be accomplished without leadership. Every neighborhood group and church needs leaders. Every book club needs to have someone to initiate it and keep it going; every family vacation needs someone to be in…