Category: Insights Blog

Don’t Let Weather Control Your Business
It happens every year – summer comes around, and a shop that normally runs three to four service calls per technician per day gets a flood of customer calls. As an owner or manager, you…
Grow Your Business By Keeping Your Most Important Customers
Are you losing your most important customers? Is your business open more than eight hours per day? Are you booking service calls scheduled for after your normal service hours? Are your technicians working more than…
How to Best Use Personality Tests to Build Your Team
Contractors frequently ask Nexstar Network coaches whether personality tests are useful for identifying the best candidates for a job. The answer is that personality tests may be useful for identifying great candidates, but only if…
Three Skills of Empowered Leaders
If you look back over your life, do you recognize moments when you demonstrated critical leadership skills, perhaps without realizing it? If you’re ready to build on those skills to become a more influential and…
3 Tips for Successful One-on-One Coaching Sessions
Do you ever get frustrated with the way members of your team are behaving? Do you wish you were getting better results from the people you manage? Are you having a hard time getting employees…