Service Professionals Serves Neighbors With Angels In the Trucks
- By Kim Harbinson, Nexstar Marketing Manager
For Rich and Kellie Bogda, doing good in the neighborhood comes naturally for this Nexstar member through their Angels in the Trucks community service program. They jumpstarted this inspiring initiative in 2023 and have touched more than 70 families through acts of kindness, compassion, and comfort. The really cool piece? The heartfelt effort is brought to life, one customer at a time, by their empowered team of frontline technicians and installers.
The Bogdas own Service Professionals, which is a residential plumbing and HVAC company that’s been serving the Union, N.J. area for more than 30 years. That adds up to a lot of visits to resolve homeowner comfort issues, and it includes engaging conversations with customers going about their day-to-day. Turns out, some of those days are tough.
“We see a lot of customers facing difficulties – it could be loss of a spouse or loved one or pet, battling cancer, or recovering from an illness. Whatever it is, our technicians would share some of these heart-breaking stories back at the shop,” Rich explained. “So, with Kellie’s vision, we created Angels in the Trucks, an outreach program that empowers our technicians to step up and make a positive difference, to be a part of something special while bringing a smile to our neighbors.”

Kellie, the company’s Director of Feel Good, simplifies the program and arms technicians with compassion blankets – a symbol of warmth and comfort – as well as a journal. Sometimes they may include a plant or flowers as a part of the personal delivery. “And the beauty of this is the ripple effect,” Rich explained. “When the tech – our angel in the truck – presents the gift, they experience something remarkable that they initiated. Then they go home that night and tell their family about their experience. That inspires more people to consider how they, too, can pay it forward. Kellie and I believe if you want to change the world, it’s not one big initiative – it’s people at our level showing up, and helping others be compassionate through positive impact.”

With 30 years of being rooted in their community, creating Angels in the Trucks ranks high on the list of Rich and Kellie’s achievements. “One of the most remarkable things about the program is it helps people get outside their comfort zone and creates the muscle for them to be able to do this on their own,” Rich reflected.
“One of our core values is “Go Big!” and it begins every day with gratitude. It’s about setting the tone for our team every single day – how they show up, who they become, and who they impact. That’s powerful, and that’s what this business is about,” Rich said.