6 Digital Marketing Strategies to Try in 2024

Newsroom | 6 min read | February 2, 2024

- By Justin Fuller, Nexstar Digital Marketing Coach

The digital marketing arena is always evolving. Consumer behavior is always shifting. The weather pattern is constantly changing, and people have been concerned about the economy for years. From my vantage point as a digital marketing coach, it’s clear that digital marketing in 2024 will require groundbreaking ideas and a strategic approach to work well.

Never fear – we do see trends! Here are six emerging digital marketing strategies that may help shape success for home service companies in the upcoming year:

1. Financing

The increase in the cost of living and talk of economic uncertainty has elevated the appeal and demand for financing. This trend can be tackled digitally with your:

  • Website

    Integrate your website to inform consumers about financing options and make their journey easy to navigate. Add financing pros and cons into your FAQ page and offer online financing applications. This will allow homeowners to learn, inquire discreetly, and keep them in the driver’s seat.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

    Create content, blogs, and a dedicated page to talk about your financing options. This will enhance your search engine ranking for financing keywords, resulting in improved conversion rates.

  • Social Media

    Financing is for repairs, too! Informing consumers about your financing options for repair or replacement may give you an edge over the competition. Consumers searching for estimates and quotes, spanning June through September, increased by 10.5%.

2. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Large language models like Open AI’s ChatGPT/GPT4 and Google’s Bard vaulted into headlines in 2023. They have already made significant changes to the way marketers approach consumers. Here’s what to watch in 2024:

  • AI-Powered Search Results: AI-driven search engines are set to refine user queries and present results in novel ways, potentially altering the significance of traditional SEO practices. Google has been testing a new tool they’ve named Search Generative Experience (SGE) since early 2023. When this tool rolls out, it will provide AI results above organic results on the company’s search engine results pages (SERPs). This will have huge implications for SEO practices. Strategies like citing sources, incorporating quotations, and using statistics will become much more important, because they’ll change what people see with AI-powered search results.

  • Content Creation Revolution: ChatGPT and Bard will continue to transform content creation. Content will be created faster and the authenticity and accuracy of generated content will be challenged.

AI is a powerful tool that should be carefully leveraged in any digital marketing strategy in 2024. The key is to strategize and allocate resources so that the time-saving aspects of AI don’t diminish the authenticity or creativity of your brand. It’s also critical to remember that what you put into Open AI is open to the world. Practicing caution will keep proprietary information safe.

3. Reviews

In November 2023, Google announced an update to their review system that is likely to reward highly reviewed businesses ahead of others in search results.

PowerReviews found that 99.9% of online consumers checked reviews – at least sometimes – before making a purchase. In a 2023 survey, Bright Local reported nearly half of consumers trust online reviews almost or as much as word-of-mouth recommendations.

Review management will be a key to success in 2024. In all your interactions, including upon completion of maintenance, on your invoicing, and especially in email, consider inserting or adding a direct link to reviews of your Google Business Profile.

4. Personalization

Nearly all consumers prefer a personalized experience and 74% of consumers are annoyed by websites that are not personalized. Here are a few ways to personalize and build relationships:

  • Optimized Content: Personalized messages from you on your homepage and your About Us page will help optimize your website content. Including quotes and reviews from customers throughout your website will build trust, a strong brand identity, and help consumers get to know you.
  • Personalized Communications: Email newsletters with distinct messages for your audience segments lead to improved open rates. When you provide interesting and relevant information on a regular basis, consumers stay enthusiastic about your brand.
  • Social Proof: Social media messages that engage with your community and show your team in action will endear consumers to your brand and business. This also builds trust and authenticity.

Personalization and relationship-building will set you apart from competitors who focus on transactional marketing and help build your lifetime customers.

5. Bing Ads Platform

Google isn’t the only big player in paid ads anymore. While Google still holds a big portion of the market share, branching out into ad platforms like Bing can increase ROI for the home services industry.

In 2024, Bing is providing an opportunity for businesses in the trades. Specifically, Bing Ads offers a higher click-through rate than Google for HVAC and climate control industries. On average, it also offers a 33% lower Cost-Per-Click than Google Ads across all industries, which means that businesses can purchase traffic for a high-intent audience at a lower cost.

In 2024, trade companies interested in Bing can look to two new ad platforms that have been designed to compete with Google —Performance Max (PMAX) Ads and Professional Service Ads. Both are highly relevant for the home services industry.

PMAX ads use AI automation to optimize ad performance while decreasing the workload for ad teams. Designed to be a competitor of Google’s PMAX, they may be beneficial to trade companies with limited ad budgets, as they allow advertisers to maximize conversions within a set budget.

While many trade businesses already rely on Local Search Ads on Google, Professional Search Ads offer easier set-up and management. Plus, they offer greater ad optimization and customization, allowing advertisers to highlight specific services and technologies.

At the end of the day, Google’s Local Search Ads remain one of the strongest tools for home service advertising. However, diversifying ad spend and testing out smaller, more strategic ad platforms may be valuable, following Bing’s steady growth in 2023. This is especially true for trade businesses that rely on one of Bing’s highest user demographics —older, high-income individuals with families.

6. Local SEO and Google Business Profile Optimization

Local search optimization remains essential for home service businesses. In 2024, the Google Business Profile (GBP) continues to be a cornerstone of local SEO. It increases online visibility in local searches and allows businesses to connect with more potential customers in their area.

To optimize Google Business Profile listings in 2024, businesses should focus on providing comprehensive and accurate information. This includes updating business hours and contact information and including a detailed business description.

Regularly posting engaging content, responding to customer reviews promptly, and leveraging newer GBP features (such as posts and Q&A) can also enhance visibility in local search results.

While there are many new and significant changes facing the home services industry as we move into 2024, some key principles remain. You’ll need a balance between technological integration, consumer-centric strategies, and a commitment to authenticity. Companies adapting to these trends will meet and exceed customer expectations and position themselves well for ongoing success in the new year.

Nexstar members, reach out to your digital marketing coach for more information on how to stay ahead of digital marketing trends in 2024. Curious to learn more and educate yourself on everything digital? Sign up for our Online Digital Marketing Fundamentals here. This is a live, online event, happening from March 12-15, 2024.

If you’re serious about implementing these evolving trends into your 2024 digital marketing plan, we encourage you to sign up for our next 2024 Digital Marketing Workshop here. The first one takes place in Minnesota from May 14-16, 2024.

If you’re not a Nexstar member, but are interested in the services, resources, tools, and training our membership offers to home service businesses, we invite you to learn more at www.nexstarnetwork.com/Contact

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